Pretty Brown Girl, LLC, a Limited Liability Corporation headquartered in Michigan presents the Pretty Brown Girl Club, Pretty Brown Girl Academy, D.R.E.A.M. Program and materials for non-commercial use. “Club” members are not members of Pretty Brown Girl, LLC or Pretty Brown Girl Foundation. Pretty Brown Girl is not responsible or liable for any mishaps, medical or otherwise, related to your child’s involvement in the PBG program at any School. Unless otherwise noted, all materials, including images, illustrations, designs, icons, photographs, video clips, and written and other materials contained on any Pretty Brown Girl guide or website (collectively, the “Contents”) are copyrights, trademarks, trade dress, and/or other intellectual properties owned or controlled by Pretty Brown Girl LLC. The Contents of all Pretty Brown Girl materials are intended solely for school purposes. Students/parents shall keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notice and make no modifications to any materials or use the materials in a manner that suggests an association with any of our products, services, or brands.
Limitation of Liability
Under no circumstances, including, but not limited to, negligence, shall we be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages that result from the use of, or the inability to use, any Pretty Brown Girl materials or website.
Permission for Feedback
In order to gain information about the effectiveness of our programs, evaluation in the form of surveys, verbal discussions, or writing assessments may be requested by Pretty Brown Girl from students, parents and teachers. Participation in any of these evaluations is NOT required. No identifying information will be attached to any results that are shared outside of Pretty Brown Girl. Anonymous findings will be shared with our existing, or potential, donors, funders, and partners for the purpose of demonstrating the effectiveness and impact of our programs.
Film, Photography, Audio and Media Permission
During Pretty Brown Girl programming, we may document the work or participation of the student through photography, film, video, audio, or other recording techniques. Students agree that these images and recordings may thereafter appear in Pretty Brown Girl publications, reports, film productions, websites, or social or online media platforms. These will not be used for commercial use. Pretty Brown Girl may wish to use this material in promotional materials (which may include Pretty Brown Girl websites, or social or online media platforms) on the radio, television, in press articles, or other media about Pretty Brown Girl, including partnerships and promotions benefiting Pretty Brown Girl. These materials provide the public with helpful information about programs at Pretty Brown Girl and amplify students’ impact to a broader audience.
Permission for Email And Mobile Phone Number Collection And Communication
For purposes of communicating with students about current and upcoming program opportunities and events, Pretty Brown Girl may collect email addresses and/or mobile phone numbers from students ages 13 and above. This information will be used solely for program, event, and alumni engagement purposes by Pretty Brown Girl and will not be used for any commercial purpose or given to any third party. Students may opt-out of these communications at any time.
Trademark Policies
Pretty Brown Girl Members cannot use the Pretty Brown Girl name, trademarks, logos, and service marks (collectively the “Trademarks”) displayed on the Pretty Brown Girl website and any are registered and unregistered trademarks on any printed/digital marketing materials, ( i.e. personal websites, social media websites, T-Shirts, clothing, flyers, brochures, business cards) without previous consent. Even if you are not using the logo the words “Pretty Brown Girl” are only authorized to reproduce by Pretty Brown Girl, LLC and the Pretty Brown Girl Foundation. It is illegal to use, without expressed written consent, for any third party and is strictly prohibited.
You are not allowed to host any events with our name, logo or trademarks. Any member will be eliminated from all programs, recognition or events and all members would receive immediate notice if this violation is not adhered. For any PBG Members or Non-Members, others who contract any third party companies or individuals to put our name, the PBG logo or an imitation or likeness of our PBG logo on any items under any circumstances, they will be prosecuted by the full extent of the law as well as any parties involved. This includes reproducing T-Shirts, banners, invitations, brochures, business cards, etc.
The materials in the Pretty Brown Girl Member Guide, Newsletters, website, emails, supplemental materials, are for informational purposes only. Use of these materials is at your own risk. Any individual member or groups of members that unlawfully uses the Pretty Brown Girl name or logo is not a division, branch, or department of Pretty Brown Girl LLC or Pretty Brown Girl Foundation. Their relative status is that of a member who only has the following benefits and rights;
Pretty Brown Girl prohibits members or any other user from engaging in any activity that Pretty Brown Girl, in its sole discretion, determines is offensive, interferes with the rights of others, or causes harm to any person, including to Pretty Brown Girl LLC and its employees. If you have any concern about the use of any of the materials or activities provided therein, it is your responsibility to decide whether such materials or activities are safe and appropriate for your particular Pretty Brown Girl activities.
Pretty Brown Girl is not responsible or liable for any mishaps, medical or otherwise, related to your child’s involvement. Unless otherwise noted, all materials, including images, illustrations, designs, icons, photographs, video clips, and written and other materials contained on any Pretty Brown girl guide or website (collectively, the “Contents”) are copyrights, trademarks, trade dress, and/or other intellectual properties owned or controlled by Pretty Brown Girl. The Contents of all Pretty Brown Girl materials are intended solely for personal purposes. Members/parents shall keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notice and make no modifications to any materials or use the materials in a manner that suggests an association with any of our products, services, or brands.
Assumption of Risks
Pretty Brown Girl LLC does not provide liability or medical insurance for the protection of any individual, group, business, or organization that may choose to use the Pretty Brown Girl LLC Content. Any youth program or individual that uses the Pretty Brown Girl name or logo is not a division, branch, or department of Pretty Brown Girl LLC. Knowing, understanding, and fully appreciating all possible risks, you hereby expressly, voluntarily and willingly assume all risks and dangers associated with your minor child’s and/or your use of the Pretty Brown Girl LLC Websites and Content. You understand and acknowledge that activities using Pretty Brown Girl Content could result in injury or even death and agree that participation in all activities shall be at your minor child’s and/or your sole risk.
Individual parent/guardians are responsible for verifying that any interaction they have with other Pretty Brown Girl members and volunteers have been screened to the parent/guardians satisfaction before participating in group activities.
You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Pretty Brown Girl LLC, along with its owners, employees, agents, officers, directors, successors, and assigns, from any claims, damages, losses, liabilities, or injuries arising from or related to your involvement in the PBG Program. This includes the use of the PBG Member Guide, Content, or any breach of our Terms and Conditions, without limitation, claims made by you.
Photo/ Media Release
In consideration of the event of my child appearing in or participating in one or more video or audio recordings, soundtracks, films, photographs, or written articles, I hereby consent to the use and editing thereof and release to Pretty Brown Girl, LLC and its employees and assignees from any and all claims resulting from such use and editing in District media, and use, sale, editing and release to the newspapers, radio and television stations; and use on the Internet.